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Application Marked Awaiting Decision

This is the status of the application when it has been marked awaiting decision by a creditor.

Request Body

The request body must be a JSON object with the following properties:

  • retailerId (string, required): The ID of the retailer that created the application.
  • status (string, enum): The status of the application. Must be "AWAITING_DECISION".
  • creditorId (string, required): The ID of the creditor that booked the application.
  • applicationId (string, required): The ID of the application that is awaiting decision.
  • conditions (string): The conditions of the application.

Example Request Body

"retailerId": "ebed869d-bdf4-4b0a-8442-5b8f23753247",
"creditorId": "c8e4cd75-7f66-49dc-b44a-076eb409ea0b",
"applicationId": "3aad1c88-a898-460f-b2c7-5f4145250489",
"conditions": "some requested item"